Wednesday 13 January 2010

Update - various info

1. Haiti earthquake

A massive 7.0-magnitude earthquake has struck the Caribbean nation of Haiti. The death toll is expected to rise to 500 000 people and over 3 million people are believed to have been affected in total.

In light of our Unit of Inquiry - Peace begins with me - I wonder what peace would mean to the Haitian people at this difficult time and who could/would play the role of 'peacemaker' amongst all this devastation? Aid workers? The UN? America? Perhaps this would be a good point of discussion with your children. Visit the links below to look at a site which explain eathquakes for children.

Earthquakes for kids

If you would like to make a difference to the people of Hiati at this time, please visit to donate or find out more information.

The picture below is of a school in Haiti which collapsed as a result of the quake today.

2. Year 4, 5 and 6 Disco

On a lighter note there will be a School Disco held this Friday (15 January 2010) in the Old Gym from 6pm - 8pm for children in Years 4 to 6. The entrance cost is 2 euros per child/person and there will be snacks on sale too. The funds raised will be put towards a trip for secondary school children who will be going to do some charity work overseas. Childen can bring friends or family to the disco if they are in Years 4 to 6 or equivalent and of cours parents are welcome too! Please ensure that if your children attend that they are fetched by 8pm sharp.

3. Headlice in Year 4

Unfortunately, we have had various infestations of headlice in Year 4 this term. We would like to request that you check your child's hair carefully and regularly for lice. (See link below) If your child does have headlice please do not send them back to school until this has been properly treated. All children whose hair is shoulder length or longer will now be required to tie up their hair to avoid catching or passing on lice. I am sure you understand why we have to enforce this rule! See link below for how to check a child's hair for lice. Please see Rosarinho, the school nurse, if you have any questions.

4. Commenting on and subscribing to blogs

It's much easier than you think to subscribe to our blogs and to comment on posts. All you need is an email address to create a google account. You do not need to get a new 'Google' email address - just use the one you already have. It's quick and easy - try it! That way you can ask any questions about posts or make comments. It would be great to get feedback.

5. Thank you Miss Bodfish

We would like to thank our lovely Miss Bodfish for the fantastic presentation she gave to parents on the Maths happening at St. Dominics this morning. Mr Thompson has already posted the powerpoint that was used in this morning's presentation on his blog for those of you who weren't able to attend.

Junior School Blog - Mr Thompson's blog.

That's all for now!

Miss Lamb

At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
                                                   Martin Luther King, Jr.