After School Activities
After School Activities registration form
Above is the link which takes you to the After School Activites registration page from the school website. (Links on these blogs are always in pink.) If you would like your child to attend any after school activities please print off this page, fill it out and send it in to school with your child, even if you already filled one out last term. All children need to re-register for all activties including homework club and tutoring, even if they attended the activity last term.
For those children who stay in after school care until late, an after school activity is a great way for them to break up the afternoon, a lot of them are free of charge.
End of Unit reports
The End of Unit reports for our 'Water for Life' Unit of Inquiry will be sent out on Monday. Please ensure that you discuss these reports with your children for their benefit and set their new goals with them on the sheet provided. These should then be sent back into school as soon as possible. The first page, the actual report, is yours to keep.

We are still looking for more parents to help listen to readers in Year 4LB on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:10. If you would be willing to help us out with this please see me (Miss Lamb) or write a note in your child's diary.
Thank you SO much and have a great weekend!
Miss Lamb
'We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.' ~William Ewart Gladstone