Monday 25 January 2010

Maths for the week beginning Monday 25th January

This week we will continue working with 2D shapes. We are so happy with the knowledge the classes have demonstrated about different shapes now - lots of children will be able to tell you facts about shapes from the quadrilateral family. You will also notice some super shape vocabulary being used - look out for words such as parallel, vertices and polygon!

We will continue by looking at the different shapes that are made when you combine different 2D shapes and we will also be exploring tesselation - watch out for some exciting artwork soon!

In number we will continue to look at division and will focus on the use of halving when dividing by 4 and 8. We will also see how multiplication is used to check answers.

As you can see we will be working hard on lots of maths this week!

Maths Homework - due Friday 29th January
Complete pages 18 and 19 in your new textbooks to help you revise your times tables. Please remember to bring your maths textbook everyday in case we use it in class. Thank you.

Maths Practice
Monday and Wednesday - use doubling to x4 and x8.
Tuesday and Thursday - use halving to divide by 4 and 8.