Friday 7 May 2010

Summative assessment - oral presentations!

Apologies for the fact that I put up the incorrect MONTH for 4LB's presentation dates. They are obviously in May not April... (silly me!)

The children should now have all the information they need to finish their 'speeches' on the special need they have been researching. Apart from a very small number of children - the majority have already finished their oral presentations which they can now edit, add interesting facts (optional) and a short closing paragraph/sentence. The children need to make sure that they have addressed all the criteria on the rubric - which has been uploaded.

This rubric is what the children will be assessed on so PLEASE make sure they keep referring back to it!

Please could you also assist your children in preparing note-cards with short notes (they should not read what they have written directly from a piece of paper or card - this will make for a poor presentation). Engaging with the audience is of the utmost importance: looking up, standing up straight, speaking clearly and with expression. Another good technique to engage the audience is to ask some questions to the audience. Practicing in front of a mirror is a great way to check how the audience will 'see' you during the presentation.

As was mentioned previously, the children may change or alter the presentations they have written at school as long as they still meet the criteria on the rubric and no props, Powerpoint presentations etc should be used please. We are trying to concentrate directly on the children's communication skills, using their voices expressively and engaging the audience with an interesting presentation.

Support will continued to be given to the EAL children and a few other children, within class next week to finish off their work.

We really feel that this has been a challenging but very worthwhile activity for the children to do. Their research skills have hugely improved as has their confidence in speaking in front of an audience.

This unit we have been focusing a lot on the concept of RESPONSIBILITY! It is YOUR responsibility to learn your lines for your presentation. Do it paragraph by paragraph and you will definitely make lots of mistakes at first but you'll get there!

Please come to see your class teacher if you have any concerns about your presentation and we will make sure to help you out! However, the only thing we can't do is learn your lines and do the actual speech for you ; )

We are really looking forward to hearing your presentations! Please remember to stick to the time limit of between 2 to 4 minutes.