Tuesday 4 May 2010

4LB homework for this week

Dear children and parents,

As you all know 4LB's assembly is coming up on Friday and we have A LOT of preparation left to do. The dress code for the assembly is blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Children may come to school and stay in these clothes all day. It is not a fashion show so please do not go out and buy new clothes for the occasion. If your child does not have a plain white T-shirt, the white school (veritas) T-shirt is perfect!

Children should have all been given scripts today so PLEASE could you make sure you have learnt your words OFF BY HEART by Thursday. You need to know who you will be speaking after so you know when to say your lines and you must bring these scripts into school with you every day!

ALSO - PLEASE make sure you learn the sign language for 'Imagine' by Thursday too.

This homework will replace any Unit of Inquiry homework or language homework you have this week and even though there is nothing that you will be required to 'hand in' as such - if you do not learn your lines or the sign language it will affect the whole classes assembly on Friday.

So, please be considerate and responsible and make sure you learn your lines, the song and the sign language.

Click here to learn the sign language

Click here to learn the lyrics
By the end of this week we will also have finished our preparation/notes for the oral presentations (please see Miss D's post on this). 4LB, however, will not be allowed to use any props, pictures or posters for their oral presentations. They will only be allowed note cards on which they should have short (Tarzan-talk) notes. They will all have their speeches written out and ready to take home by Friday as well as their rubric which clearly states what criteria they will be assessed on. They may make some changes to their speech if they feel after reading the rubric that they have not fully met the criteria or cut it down if it is too long. 

Presentation dates are as follows:

Monday 10/5 - Carla, Afonso, Laura, Miguel

Wednesday 12/5 - Rita, Sofia, Zé, Amrit

Thursday 13/5 - Daniella, Inês, Aya, Charlene

Friday 14/5 - Leonor, Sonia, Marta, Chiara, Luis, Andrea*

Monday 17/5 - Francisco, Rodrigo, Gonçalo, Khalid

NB - Please could you support your children in learning their words for their oral presentation, making note-cards and ensuring that they meet the criteria on the rubric.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or queries.

Thank you,

Miss Lamb

PS. Please remember to come and support your children in their class assembly on Friday! You´ll make their day.

PPS: PLEASE do not forget the Terry Fox Charity run this Saturday (May 8th). Registration starts at 9:30 am and the fun run will take place at 11:00am.

For more info on Terry Fox run click here!