Wednesday 21 April 2010

Unit of Inquiry homework.

By now, the children should all know which special need they will be doing their oral presentation on for the summative assessment.

We have been working very hard with Mrs C, our librarian, on improving our research skills in preparation for this task. We have been focusing on using 'child friendly' encyclopaedias, non-fiction books and search engines.

For homework this week, we would like the children to write a short paragraph (about 6 lines) which explains, in child-friendly language, the characteristics of the special need they are researching. They will write this paragraph using the notes they have made whilst researching the special needs in class and during their own time in the library (no copying and pasting for Wikipedia!) Please remember the library is open at lunch time if you would like to get any extra information from the World Book encyclopaedias. This will make up the first part of your oral presentation (the introduction). Remember the longer you make it, the more lines you will have to learn for your presentation so try to keep it short but informative.

Please remember to include the title and present it in a neat way (typed or handwritten) as we will be displaying these paragraphs for other children to read within the classrooms. Remember to put your name at the bottom of your work so we know who did it!

Thank you,

Miss Lamb