Thursday 22 April 2010

Unit of Inquiry homework update and field trip information

Unit of Inquiry homework update (due Tues 27/4)

The children should now have had the opportunity to have done some research on the special need they will be speaking about. The oral presentations will only take place in about 2 weeks so we will have plenty of time to prepare. We are doing it stage by stage so the children will have a lot of support and be fully prepared by the time their presentation date comes. All they need to do for homework is take the notes they have collected about the characteristics of the special need and put it into paragraph form. They can write it draft, edit it with you or an adult for spelling, grammar and punctuation, and then write or type it up in best. The paragraph should include a title at the top and their name at the bottom. Max 6 lines please!

If the children need to do any more research they can use the World Book encyclopaedias in the library at lunch time, non-fiction books or the internet. St. Dominic's has also subscribed to a fantastic search engine for kids called 'searchasaurus'. To access this website please go to The User ID is sd and the password is main. You will then be able to see the Searchasaurus link with the dinosaur next to it. Another great website for researching this unit is and it has information for almost all of the special needs we have been researching. KidRex is also a wonderful one and there is a link to it on the right hand side of the blog. As the children are just learning how to research 'properly' it would be great if you could support them in this skill by showing them how to extract important information. Happy researching! 
This homework is due on Tuesday 27 April.

Field trip information

Tomorrow, both Year 4 classes will be going on a field trip to the Gulbenkian museum to learn about the links there are between maths and art.

We are asking the children to come in school uniform and to bring a snack in a 'throw away bag' with their names on it. Please don't send any plastic tubs that you would like back as this makes it very difficult for us to take these things around the museum with us. If the children normally have lunch in the refectory or at the tuck shop lunch will be provided for them. However, if they normally bring a home lunch they will also need to bring a 'throw away' lunch from home in a plastic/paper bag with their name clearly marked on it.

Please could you ensure that your child arrives at school on time and that they bring a hat and apply sun cream as we will be spending the afternoon in the gardens.

I am sure it is going to be a fantastic day!