Thursday 3 June 2010

Year 4 homework!

The Year 4 team would like to apologise for the inconsistency in homework going up on the blog.

Miss D and Miss Katy have been very heavily involved with the 'Peter Pan' production! I hope you will all be coming on Friday or Saturday night. The play starts at 8pm but you will have to be there a bit earlier if you are an usher or if you haven't bought tickets yet. Please remember that no photos/recordings will be allowed as the production will be being filmed professionally and there are some copyright laws that need to be adhered to!

Miss Bodfish has been running some very important maths workshops for parents and Miss Lamb was away in Dubai on a workshop last week (hence the Henna - in case you were wondering).

Language homework due Fri 4/6

4LB has completed most of their language homework this week in class (which linked to International Children's Day) but they need to finish off any bit they have not completed at home and discuss the first poem with your parents. I think this will prove for lovely conversations and revoke many memories that may have been forgotten. I'm prettu sure 4D knows what their homework is, also related to advertising.

Unit of Inquiry homework due Tue 8/6

For unit of inquiry homework this week you have 2 options relating to touristic adverts:
1) Find an advert in a magazine, newspaper or on this internet that is trying to persuade you to go to a particular city or country. Think about what makes an effective advert and whether this advert that you have found persuades you to visit this place or not. If it is effective - why? If it is not effective - why? How could it be improved? Talk about this with your parents. Bring it in and write your name on it - no other recording necessary!

2) Make your own effective advert convincing a particular target audience to go to a particular city or country. You might need to do some research for this one. You can do any city or country besides Lisbon or Portugal. Using what you have learnt about effective persuasive techniques make sure you advert is convincing, persusasive and attractive (A4 please). Can be done on the computer or by hand.

***PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK ON THE COMPUTER, THAT GREAT, BUT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PRINT IT OUT (IN LIBRARY OR IT ROOM) BEFORE IT IS DUE IN. We do not have the time in class to print out your homework for you. Bringing us a pen/memory stick with your homework on is not good enough. The library is open most lunchtimes for you to print documents and change books.

Rewards and certificates

Some children have already started receiving reading awards for surpassing Level 10+. If you recive one of these prestigious rewards it then becomes your responsibility to choose your own books from the library/home to read and Miss Katy will no longer change your books for you. Please note that you will still have to read every night and bring in our reading log each morning.

We are also getting ready to hand out of first 'Scribe awards' for mastering the technique of 'joined-up' handwriting. However, please note that this 'pen license' can be revoked at any time if your presentation deteriorates or we feel your handwriting has become illegible! If you receive one of these awards it means you can then write in your language and Unit of Inquiry books in black or blue ink (no other colours please as teachers find it hard to read and mark). You will still need to do all your maths work in pencil. So keep on practicing if you feel you are nearly there. : )

Scat cat
Check out the music blog for a video of 4LB doing their wonderful 'Scat cat' performance for Arts week. A huge thanks to Mrs Balazs for all the time and effort she put int o creating such a magical show.

Any questions, please feel free to email me, as usual!

Miss Lamb