Wednesday 17 March 2010

Language Homework

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This week we are doing a great deal of work on our blueprints and summative assessments. We will be focusing on the summative assessment during class and some written components may be sent home during the week and over the weekend. Therefore, this week we will not be giving any formal Language Arts homework.

Curious about the summative assessment? Ask your local architects for 4D and 4LB to fill you in!

Monday 15 March 2010

Maths for the week beginning - March 15th

Hello everybody!

This week we shall begin preparing for our 3-way conferences next week. The children will be reflecting on their learning and will identify what they have learnt in different areas. They will then identify their goals for maths.

We shall also be revising measurement of length, in preparation for our Flute Workshop on Thursday (how exciting!), and handling data.

Homework - due Friday 19th March
p.34 and 35 of maths textbook - revision of bar graphs and surveys. Read the instructions VERY carefully!
This week the children will be expected to be responsible learners! We would like the classes to choose the areas they feel they need to practise. These should be linked directly to their maths goals and they cannot visit websites as part of this practice. Their work should be recorded in their maths homework books. We can't wait to see what they have chosen to practise!

Sunday 14 March 2010

Unit of Inquiry homework! Due Tue 23/03

Hi everyone!

I had some troubles posting the latest UoI homework so Miss D and I have decided that this homework will only be due on Tuesday, 23rd of March!

This homework comes in TWO parts! Each part should take you about 20 mins, no more...

1) The first part of the homework is to draw a floor plan of your bedroom at home!

A floor plan is a drawing that shows a room as seen from above. Everything in a floor plan appears flat. Architects use floor plans to show what a room or building will look like. A floor plan is the way a three-dimensional object, such as a house or a room, is represented on a flat piece of paper. It is usually drawn to scale, meaning while objects are drawn smaller than they are in real life, they are still the same size in relation to each other. But don't worry - we are NOT asking you to do it to scale!

Floor plans include not only the rooms that will be included in the new stucture, but other important details such as where the windows, doors, pipes and places for the electricity will have to be built.
So when you are drawing the floor plan of your bedroom you need to include the following things:

1. the door
2. the windows
3. any electrical sockets
4. your bed
5. any other furniture

Make sure you choose a symbol to use for each item and make a key.

2) The second part of the homework is to draw a floor plan of the bedroom you WISH YOU HAD!

Make sure, once again, to include:

1. the door
2. the windows
3. any electrical sockets
4. your bed
5. any other furniture or items you wish you had in your bedroom

This room can be any shape you like. The walls do not have to be at right angles to each other! Please include a text description on a separate of the materials you would use to build your dream bedroom.

So - we are expecting 4 sheets of A4 paper.

1) An A4 floor plan of your current bedroom, in black and white (squared paper) titled - 'My bedroom'.
2) An A4 floor plan of you DREAM bedroom in black and white (squared paper) titled 'My Dream Bedroom'.
3) A piece of text or table showing what materials you would use to build different parts of the room (lined paper)
4) The key - which shows us what all your symbols on your floor plans mean. Please use the same symbols for both floor plans. We understand that your 'dream' bedroom might have some extra symbols that your current bedroom does not have ; )

      eg. walls - I would use bricks and mortar to build the walls and
                      then smooth them over with cement and paint them
            floor - I would multi-coloured tiles for the floor

Before you start your homework google some floor plans and see how they are 'normally drawn'. Try draw your in a similar way using common symbols for doors/windows.

Remember - we are just asking you to do your bedroom NOT your whole house! Please do not colour them in. Squared paper will be sent home by the school.

Good Luck!

Miss Lamb

ps. Take a look at the websites below to see some very cool, weird and BIZARRE architecture...


Most unique buildings of the world

When I was in Prague I was lucky enough to see the 'Dancing House'. It was AMAZING!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Language Homework - due Friday 12th March

What a fantastic morning we all had in Year 4! We were fortunate enough to be invited to the year 6 Exhibition where we learnt so much about all things concerning the economic crisis. Year 4 asked some really thoughtful questions and showed themselves to be respectful, responsible peers.

We would like all Year 4 students to design their own thankyou card for Year 6. The front cover design should show something from the exhibition - we're looking for lots of creativity here! The message should explain what they liked about the exhibition and congratulate the children on all of their work.

We will be particularly interested in the presentation and layout of the card, the language used in the message and the creativity used for this piece of homework. We can't wait to read these cards!

The due date for this homework is Friday 12th March - don't be late!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Maths for this week - starting 8th March

Lots of work this week! We shall continue our work on symmetry and constructing 3D shapes - we are very proud of the symmetry sketches of different buildings from year 4. We have some very talented artists!

We shall also be revising our subtraction strategies of adjusting and partitioning and this will also be the focus of this week's homework.

We shall also be developing our measuring skills for length in preparation for a flute workshop next week! The children will be making their own flutes with a special guest and therefore need to make sure they can use a ruler to measure accurately in cm and mm.

Homework - due Friday 12th March
The homework activity for this week focuses on subtraction - p. 10 and p. 11 of textbook.

Maths Practice
Maths Practice for this week again focuses on different number facts. We are looking for neatly presented work and expect this to take 5-10 minutes.
Monday - write 7x and 9x table in maths homework books.
Tuesday - write number bonds to 50 in maths homework books - e.g. 27 + 23, 36 + 14
Wednesday - doubles up to 50
Thursday - halves up to 50 - watch out for those odd numbers!

Thursday 4 March 2010

Unit of Inquiry homework due Tuesday 9/3

Hello everyone,

Congratulations to all of you who took part in World Maths Day! What a great success it's been - I'm so glad everyone has enjoyed it so much. Can't wait until it comes around again next year!

I'm writing to you from freezing cold Prague, Czech Republic, where Miss D, Miss Goode, Mrs Balazs and myself are attending workshops for teachers. There are some beautiful buildings and structures in this city - wouldn't it be great if we could come here on a field trip for our unit?

For this week's unit of inquiry homework I would like you to choose 5 materials that are used in construction. I would like you to list the properties of each material and then write a sentence to explain why it is a construction material. For example: Why would we use lots of cement and bricks in construction but not cotton wool? Why is glass used in construction?

Don't forget that properties are words that describe materials (adjectives) that do not change. The adjectives "long", "short", "red" and "blue" are not properties because although they are adjecives, the colour and the size of a material can be changed.

This homework is due on Tueday 9 March.

Hope you're all having a lovely time and being well behaved for the supply teachers! : ) See you Tuesday.

Miss Lamb

ps. I wonder whether you can find out where Prague is on the map and show us when we get back into school!

pps. Here are some clues for your language homework
1.  t _ _ c _ c _ _ (it has 3 wheels)
2. _ i c _ c l _ (it has 2 wheels)
3. t _ i _ n _ l _ (a 2D shape with 3 straight sides)
4. _ _ _ p _ d (something with 3 legs that holds up a camera)
6. b _ l _ n g _ a _ (being able to speak 2 different languages)
7. t _ _ p _ e _ s (3 children born from the same parents at the same time)
8. _ _ k _ n _ ( a 2 piece swimming costume)

Wednesday 3 March 2010


Here are some lovely photos of 4LB enjoying Carnaval -sorry they've taken so long to arrive!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Language Arts Homework March 5th

Prefixes Please!
This week we have been looking at prefixes such as re, pre, un, and dis. We learned that prefixes add to the meaning of a word. Re means to do something again and pre means to do something ahead of time.
This week for homework you must brainstorm words (from your own ideas and in the dictionary) into two lists of words that begin with bi and with tri. When you have done this you must then look at the words and the definitions and decide what bi and tri add to a word and write it under your two lists.
This homework is due FRIDAY MARCH 5TH.

Symmetry Website

I have now added a really great website all about symmetry to our blog. It is called 'symmetry' and you will find it in the shape, space and measures section.

Take a look at the page about symmetry found in buildings - we'll be doing more about this in class. I also really liked the nature section - so many beautiful photos!

Enjoy :)

4LB Assembly

What a great assembly 4LB! I was incredibly proud, not only of your performance, but of the teamwork and commitment you showed when writing and practising your assembly. You are all showing yourselves to be more responsible learners - well done!

A BIG thank you also to parents for coming along and supporting your child - we know it's not always easy to be there but it meant a lot to all of us - thank you!

Photos for 4LB's assembly will also be uploaded shortly.

Monday 1 March 2010

Maths for this week - starting 1st March

This week we will be learning about symmetry. We will make different symmetrical patterns and will look at the use of symmetry in different structures. We will also continue our work on nets for 3D shapes.

Maths Homework - due date is Friday 5th March
Complete p 6 and 7 in textbook - revision of addition strategies.

Maths Practice - to be recorded in Homework books please.
Monday - 4x and 6x tables.
Tuesday - number bonds to 1000
Wednesday - doubles up to 1000
Thursday - halves of up to 1000

Don't forget to take part in the online competitions for World Maths Day on Tuesday and Wednesday night too! Good luck!

World Maths Day!

Happy World Maths Day everyone! Yes, Wednesday 3rd March is the official World Maths Day but this will start for us at 11am on Tuesday 2nd March. This is because at this time the 3rd March has already started for some countries!

I hope that we will all be able to take part in the live on-line competition at home this week and help break that world record! Let's also see if we can have somebody from our school appear in the Hall of Fame!

Children in Year 4 can also choose to come dressed up as something mathematical. 4D are to dress up as mathematical symbols...4LB can dress up as anything they feel is mathematical - get creative everybody!! I can't wait to see those costumes!