Monday 30 November 2009

Maths for this week - starting 30th November

This week the focus in our maths lessons will be how halving and doubling can help us to multiply and divide. We will use doubling to help us x4 and x8. We will also use halving to help us divide by 4 and 8.

We will also look at division and investigate what happens to the quotient (answer) when you halve the dividend and divisor.
e.g. 24 divided by 6 = 4. If I halve 24 (the dividend) and 12 (the divisor) will the quotient (the answer) still be the same?

As you can see, there is also a lot of vocabulary we are learning for multiplication and division too - so ask your child to explain these words for you.

We will also be looking at function machines to help us improve our pattern and function skills and there are some great websites for practising this. These will be added very soon.

Homework - due date Friday 4th December
Create, using a word processing programme, 25 question cards for your maths bingo card. Make sure that each question card is the same size and shape. Please remember that all 25 answers on your bingo card must have a question card.

Monday 23 November 2009

This Week's Language Arts Nov 23

This week we are going to be working intensively on the summative assessment (board game) in class and some groups may choose to do certain parts of it at home. Therefore, we have decided to not give out language arts homework in order to allow for more time to work on the board games.

Maths for this week - starting 23rd November

This week the big focus in maths is doubling. We will be looking at how we can use partitioning to help us double mentally.
e.g. double 34
= double 30 + double 4
= 60 + 8
= 68

We will start by using smaller numbers and then progress to working with larger, more complex numbers so that the children are confident with this strategy.
We shall then begin making the connection with halving, again using partitioning to help us halve mentally.

Homework - due Friday 27th November
This week the children will design their own doubles bingo card. They need to draw a 5 x 5 grid and then choose the numbers for their grid. They will then need to decorate their grid and we will then laminate these and use them in class for games of doubles bingo. It will be great!

Thursday 19 November 2009

School Photographs

Please remember that there will be school photographs on Tuesday 24th November. All children must wear full school uniform...and bring along a big smile too!

Monday 16 November 2009

This Week's Math Nov 16th

This week in Maths we will be investigating a whole range of things!

We will be continuing our work on measurement and reading a variety of different scales. This can be very tricky and needs a lot of practise!

We will also be continuing to look at multiplication and will investigate how products can be modelled using arrays (ask your local Year 4 experts to explain an array!). We will also continue revising the vocabulary of factor, multiple and product.

This week's homework focuses on arrays and is due in on Friday.

This week's Language Arts Homework Nov 16th

This week in Language Arts we are continuing to look at instructional text but will also begin to look at the language used in surveys. As a class we will construct a survey about how we can make a difference regarding water responsibility. The class will then carry out this survey at home as their language homework for this week. We will look at the results of this on Friday and next week.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Great Writing Website!

This week the Language homework is to write a procedure text (instructions) for a game played in maths.
This is a link to a really great website that will help remind you what you need to write an excellent procedure text. It shows you examples of the text and gives you lots of little tips.

Make sure you have a look at this website this week!

Monday 9 November 2009

This Week's Language Arts Nov 9

This week in Language Arts we are continuing our focus on procedural and instructional texts and will be exploring the structure of examples that are used in everyday life.

(To be sent home Tuesday night)
In class students will play games based on factors and products (maths) and must write an effective set of instructions for these by Friday.

This Week's Math Nov 9th

This week's focus is a revision of the multiplication vocabulary of factors, multiples and products. We will also continue to look at the relationship between multiplication and division.

We will start inquiring about volume and capacity. We will begin by looking at what the students already know and how capacity is used in everyday life. Then we will start looking at how to measure capacity accurately.

The homework for this week is all about factors and needs to be completed by Friday.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Maths fun for this term and the week of 2nd - 6th November

Welcome back everybody. We hope you all had a truly wonderful week and are ready and eager for the work ahead!

There is going to be LOTS of maths this term and the children will be learning all about volume and capacity as part of their unit and will also touch briefly on data handling when carrying out surveys, collecting data and recording their findings. Most of the stand alone maths will be focussing on multiplication and division and will look at how these are connected. We will also be continuing our work on number facts (number bonds, times tables, doubles and near doubles) and will practise counting forwards and backwards in different steps - counting backwards is really hard!

This week we start by looking at the vocabulary of multiplication and how the children feel about multiplication and division. We will then set some class goals and begin to look at fact families - hopefully you will hear the phrase 'three for free' lots over the coming weeks! We will also be modelling arrays and exploring if multiplication is commutative (3x4 and 4x3).

As you can see there is lots to do! Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries about the maths and how you can help at home.

Many thanks.