Monday 28 September 2009

Please remember that Thursday is Library Day for Ms. Louw/Ms. Bodfish´s Year 4 Class. Each student needs to bring a library bag and the books they would like to change. Students need a library bag before they are allowed to take books out of the library. Posted by D.Louw

Maths Problem Solving

What a great start Year 4 has made to problem solving! We are so pleased with their efforts and we are looking forward to seeing even more enthusiasm when working on class problems!

Each Monday a new problem will be provided for homework which is then discussed in Friday's lesson. The problems we choose will usually support what is being taught in class but may also revise what has been previously taught. It is super important that everybody brings their homework books each Friday.

The problem for this week is all about aliens and requires lots of thought about the 2 and 3 times tables. It will be very interesting to see what strategies were used to help solve this problem (diagrams, drawings, tables, tallies etc). The different strategies used for problem solving are something we will gradually build up with the children so that soon they will have a whole bank of ideas to choose from!

Good luck and get solving!

Patterns, patterns and more patterns!

This week we will be looking at all the wonderful patterns you can find in times tables. We will be using 100 squares to compare the 2, 4 and 8 times tables and the 2, 3 and 6 times tables. I wonder how many patterns we will find?!

Over the next few weeks we will also be reviewing the times tables from Year 3 (1s, 2s, 4s, 5s and 10s) and will begin learning the Year 4 times tables (3s, 4s, 6s and 8s). These tables should form the basis for maths practice each Tuesday night, for 5-10 minutes.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Friday 25 September 2009

Pillows in 4LB

Could students in 4LB please bring a pillow (small flat pillow) to sit on during our daily discussion times?

Thank you,

Miss Louw

Thursday 24 September 2009

Cancellation of PTA Welcome BBQ

Please note that the Welcome BBQ scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled until further notice.

Many thanks.

Parent Meetings

Thank you so much to all of you for taking the time to come and talk to us on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many supportive parents!

We hope you feel that these meetings were helpful - we certainly gained a lot of important knowledge for the year ahead.

Please remember that if you do need to contact us, simply write a note in the school diary, phone Thea or email us.

Many thanks
Miss Louw, Miss D and Miss Bodfish

Woodlands Website

Here is a great site for you to explore.
You'll be able to play different educational games as well as get homework help. I think this is one of my very favourite websites!

Keep checking for more links to great websites soon.

Miss Bodfish

Monday 21 September 2009

4D Math Homework

Hello everyone!

Just to let parents know that the math homework will be sent home tomorrow (Tuesday) this week as I was out of the classroom for most of the day. Please ensure that you write in the 4 boxes provided what your child does every night for the 5 -1 0 minutes of mental math, and then sign or initial the box. This lets me know that they have all been working with an adult to improve their mental math.

Miss D

Thursday 17 September 2009

Maths Homework

Please remember that maths homework is set every Monday and needs to be completed by Friday. Children need to remember to bring their homework books to school as we will be using these in class.
We understand that this is a new system for Year 4 and will take a few weeks to perfect! Please support us in this area and we will do our very best to encourage great maths (and organisation) skills!
Thank you.

International Day - Information and Change of Date

This is just a reminder about our fantastic International Day celebrations that are coming up shortly! There will be a whole range of exciting activities occuring in classrooms in the afternoon and stalls will then be set up after school for different countries. More details about these events will follow shortly.
Please note that the date in your diary is 17th October but this has been changed to Thursday 22nd October.

Miss Bodfish

It's so lovely to be back at St. Dominics after my time away on maternity leave. I am ready for a new adventure and am very happy to be working with the lovely 4LB! We are all working very hard planning an exciting year ahead and I know that we will make this a FANTASTIC year 4!Enjoy!
Clare Bodfish

About Me, Miss D.

My name is Miss D and I come all the way from Montreal, Canada, where we never have this many consecutive days of sun ever! I am quite enjoying my time here in Portugal and especially with 4D at St Dominic's. My background is largely in theatre and music and I am looking forward to a fantastic year with both of those in the classroom!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Miss Louw


My name is Desiree Louw and I have just moved to lovely Portugal from Nanjing, China. I am looking forward to a fantastic year with 4LB. The children are settling in nicely and we have a fun filled year planned for everyone!

Best wishes

Miss Louw

Monday 14 September 2009

A New Week!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have completed our first week in Fantastic 4D and are now in a brand new week! We are getting to know our classmates well and are learning how to work well in groups and in pairs. We have started our unit on "My Family, My Self" and have been discussing roles of different family members within a family, including ourselves. We will soon be investigating different types of families from all over the world and how they work in comparison to our families here at St. Dominic's. We will soon be adding different websites to the blog that will aid with math homework, so be sure to check back later on this week!

We are looking forward to having a fantastic week #2!

Miss D